Gosu League of Legends: How to win League of Legends games: tips, tricks, strategy, tactics, guides, links, tier lists, videos, and resources for advanced League of Legends gamers!
I just played a game with Sivir and the result was so ridiculous! If you guys are tired of playing Caitlyn, Vayne, and Ashe in your games, then I highly recommend the new Sivir to you!
What Changed with the New Sivir?
If you have been away for awhile and you have not been playing Sivir at all, then you may have missed the rework that has been done on her. The most notable changes are as follows:
Increased the range of her auto attack to about Ashe's range (I have been waiting for this and now I like using her even more!)
Rework of her passive: she now gains bonus move-speed after every auto-attack up to a certain amount (almost as good as Vayne's now!)
Her Ricochet now needs to be activated and does bonus damage which also resets her auto attack. In addition, it bounces to up to five targets at all levels (think Poppy's smash attack but for five targets!)
I have been enjoying using Sivir with her increased range, passive, and bonus damage. Lane domination is EASY.
How Should You Play the New Sivir?
This is how I play her, but it's not necessarily how you like to play her or how other people would want to play her! The way I play her, I dominate my lanes and I carry my team hardcore. I do "tank sivir" runes and masteries so that I can stay in lane for a long time and so that I have a huge presence in team fights. I do the following:
Runes - Red Armor Penetration Marks, Yellow Flat Armor Seals, Blue Flat Magic Resistance Glyphs, and Violet Movement Speed Quintessences.
Masteries - 9/21/0 with emphasis on armor penetration offense and damage reduction defense masteries.
Think my build sucks? Check out my latest Sivir game, 13-0-4.
Well, hope you enjoyed this article! Keep an eye out for my upcoming books on Amazon.com which will help you become a better player and dominate normal games in both solo and pre-made games!
Thank you for your support on my blog and all of your helpful comments and suggestions! This tier list is updated for December 2011 for all of the new NORMAL GAME SOLO QUEUE champions (not Ranked Games or pre-made teams). New champions: Ahri, Fizz, Graves, Shyvana, Skarner, and Volibear.
Tier 1
Annie Brand
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Soraka Tryndamere
Xin Zhao Yorick Zilean
Tier 2
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Sion Sivir
Twisted Fate
If you follow this list, you should be able to stomp hardcore in normal games, at least in solo queue. Pre-made 5-man and pre-made 3-man teams are a different story.
I have been watching livestreams for some of the top ranked players, and I have to admit that these guys know what they are doing. I have been blown away by their pro usage of the worst normal game champions which they turn around and literally destroy the competition. Kudos to you guys and a humbleness to me until I get to play at the level that these guys play at.
Love the skill level, love the game, love the community. Keep up the good work, Summoners!
On a similar note, my Ranked Team, Black Water Raiders [BWR] just went 7-0 in Ranked 3v3. Off to a good start, lets keep up the great work, team!
Ranked teams are now LIVE! Now your roster of eight players on your team can compete for top spot in the League of Legends ladder system! Want to know how? Here's a short tutorial:
1. Log in to your League of Legends client
2. Click on your summoner profile
3. Click on the CREATE A RANKED TEAM button (it's to the top)
4. Fill in your team information.
Simple huh?
The great feature about this is that your team will no longer be matched inappropriately against other teams, based on your team's average rank! Now the team ITSELF has a rank, so your team will move upward, starting with the weakest team first! I believe that this is the best feature about it, that eventually, your team will reach a point where you will win half of the games and lose the other half, and that will be where your team belongs. Fantastic!
Don't have a ranked team? Want to join one? There are many teams out there looking for solid players, so if you are 1250+, then just post your ad in the forum!
I'm so excited that League of Legends is implementing an entirely new ranking system! In this new ranking system, your rank will now be calculated SEPARATELY for each team that you participate in! This means that your ranking will NO LONGER GO DOWN because of a few different matches. The solo/duo que will still be available as a separate ranking system!
I have been waiting for Riot to implement this system into their infrastructure. I have enjoyed this way of ranking players in StarCraft 2 and am glad that we finally have it here in League of Legends.
Yet everyone I play with SWEARS that he is the SHT! ...so... can someone show me some proof of his awesomeness? Three ranked game wins, post the picture here and I will truly believe you. Otherwise he is going to be banned every ranked game. gg.
I have been playing many different games lately and the same USELESS CHAMPIONS always show up and lose games LOL! I don't even know why people try to argue with me! In my eyes, if you use these champions (and you have less than 1k wins), then you're gonna lose it for your team GUARANTEED!
20/5 Shaco - "I just get focused too hard in team battles, I can't do anything!"
28/11 Nida Lee - "My team just sucks. They always suck."
15/0 Kassadin - "Sigh. Why can I not get out of ELO Hell?"
12/5 LeBlanc - "WTF Why my team sucking?"
lol. Anyway! Hope this helps you guys figure out how to win more games. Good luck!
One of my favorite strategies in League of Legends is destroying a tower in five minutes or less! Think it's impossible? It's not! I'll show you how...
The easiest way to get a five minute tower is to have all of the following:
Forfeit your jungler (so you would have two top lane, one mid lane, and two bottom lane)
Pick a ranged Attack Damage (AD) Carry (Caitlyn is top choice here due to her insane range)
Pick Doran's BLADE (the bonus Attack Damage will destroy this tower FAST)
Make sure your top lane is against a solo enemy top lane (if they are melee, then they won't stand a chance lol)
At this point, all you have to do is PUSH! Auto attack the living crap out of minions, don't waste a second by "denying" their top lane. At every chance you get, attack their top lane tower! By the time their jungler comes around, the tower should have fallen.
Gosu Tip:After destroying the tower, head back to base to purchase Berserker's Greaves (and later Brutalizer), then start pushing other lanes! Let your teammate hold top lane as you conquer the map and destroy tower after tower!
I think there is a serious issue we have to fix here.
It seems that there is always at least one player in a ranked game who "gives up" before the game even started!
"GG WE HAVE NO SUPPORT ITS OVER." And then they spend the entire game
complaining about whatever it is that they chose as their excuse for
Some popular rage topics are as follows:
They got first blood, GG it's over!
Dragon is not warded, GG it's over!
Our jungler won't give me blue, GG it's over!
OMG you won't listen to me preach about what items to buy, GG it's over!
They picked [insert name of any champion here], GG it's over!
Teammates are last hitting my minions, GG it's over!
Teammate is using [insert summoner spell here], GG it's over!
I need 40 minutes of farm before I can deal any damage, but before then, GG it's over!
It seems that a lot of people absolutely HAVE to say something negative
or insulting AS SOON AS THEY DIE at any point in the game, as well as
throughout their entire death timer. And I feel like this is mostly due
to the fact that they have nothing better to do while they are waiting
to revive (checking death recap to see what type of damage dealt so they
can buy the proper resistances? Unheard of!).
What I think would be a great solution to this "in-game raging" syndrome
is this: give the players waiting to revive something productive to do,
which also helps the team in some way. At first I thought of having a
roulette mini-game just to keep the kiddies busy, but later I thought it
would be cool if it would give bonus buffs to teammates who are still
alive, or even gold for completing said mini-games. Imagine the
possibilities, guys!
Some quick ideas I thought of to keep dead players busy:
Roulette system with or without prizes (such as bonus buffs for
teammates, extra gold, or briefly revealing a random enemy position with
a ping)
Clicking repeatedly on an allied teammate can give him temporary minor boost to movespeed (or any other statistic)
Answer trivia questions about League of Legends for bonus gold
Find hidden treasure on the map that only dead players can see for
bonus gold, or secret items that can only be found from this treasure
The point is that when you're in a team game, you should behave as
such: as a team! And this includes having a positive attitude throughout
the game, to everyone, not just toward your IRL premade buddies. Solo
que players have feelings, too! I feel like having some sort of measure
to keep players helping the team is a great way to go - even while
they're dead.
Anyhow. I just thought it was a good idea. If we don't include this in
the mainstream game, then I certainly would love to see it in a "Fun
Mode" game, similar to the Dominion Map!
Apparently, the top Dominion Champions are the ones that I have been pitted against each and every match. These guys will give you a hurtin' if you ever face them. I suppose that's why everyone's using them? Give them a try and tell me about your pleasant experiences guys.
The Top Dominion Champions
The Dominion map features fast-paced action in true capture-the-flag style. Points are awarded for capturing the turrets and possessing them in order to reduce your opponents' Nexus hit points. When their base hit points depletes, then your team wins. You can also reduce their Nexus hit points by slaying enemy champions, but the points come with a diminished return.
To subscribers of my email list: I have a special bonus for you guys: Three Secretly OverPowered (OP) Dominion Champions. Check your email for a treat ;-) Oh, and yes, if you are not on my email list, then you can get on there by entering your information on the subscription form at the top-right of this website. :-)
I want to thank you all for reading my blog and sending me your helpful emails and comments! Lately, I have been bombarded with requests to do an *updated* champion tier list due to the new patches and new champions. Since there are so many updates, I have decided to make new POSTS (not pages) with the new champion tier list updates, which I will link to from my main tier list page. Here is my updated normal game tier list for September 2011:
Tier 1
Amumu Annie
Jarvan IV
Kennen Lee Sin Leona
Nocturne Orianna
Sona Soraka Wukong
Xin Zhao
Tier 2
Caitlyn Cassiopeia Gangplank Karma
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Sion Taric
Twisted Fate Vayne
Veigar Yorick
Tier 1 Description
Tier 1 champions are mainstream, almost 'instant-win' champions in the hands of basically any player. They make great additions to any team, usually require very little items to dominate, are useful early-mid-late game, deal loads of damage, have survivability, can survive ganks, can save teammates from harm, are great lane pushers, have a lower learning curve than Tiers 2/3/4, and generally do not require intense farming in order to be of any use. If you see a teammate pick one of these champions, rest assured that your team stands a better chance of winning. You can just pick these champions for the first time and win most games with them easily.
Tier 2 Description
Tier 2 champions are great for most games and in most situations. They can hold their own in any lane and can dominate a game if powered up. Tier 2 champions make great complements to the Tier 1 champions. They are quite dangerous on their own, and are useful in almost every situation.
Tier 3 Description
Tier 3 champions are fun champions to play in general. Average players will win roughly 50% of their games with these champions, as these champions tend to deal very little damage, are more support than at the core of the team, require more skill to play than Tier 1 or Tier 2 champions, are not lane pushers, do not farm as easily as other champions, and really shine in premade teams where players syngergize well and poised to take advantage of these champions' abilities.
Tier 4 Description
These champions are not recommended for normal 5v5 solo que play in the hands of an average player. They require high learning curves, massive farming, have very little survivability, and/or are useful in only a few situations. If you have already learned how to use these champions, then by all means, use them! But beginners should stay far away from these champions if they want to win games. Leave these champions to the pros, as pros can utilize these champions to their fullest potential!
I made this list in response to my readers' (your) requests. Some things I must point out are as follows:
This tier list is for normal 5v5 solo queue.
This tier list assumes that players have only average experience with the game (about 300-500 normal game wins), are average in skill level, are only casual/hobby/leisure gamers, and use common, straight-forward item/skill builds for each champion. Please do not confuse this tier list with a 'draft mode' tier list (I recommend Elementz's tier lists for such hardcore gaming tier lists).
This tier list is solely my own personal opinion and is based on my own personal experiences in normal 5v5 solo queue.
This tier list only lists the champions in their respective tiers. I have general descriptions of each tier, but do not plan on explaining my decisions on a per-champion-basis, so please do not ask!
Everyone has their own opinions, and all are welcome to comment with useful feedback. Any type of trolling will be promptly deleted.
This tier list is not intended to be a type of bible for players, and therefore is not recommended to be used as such.
This tier list is subject to change based on my experiences and personal opinion! Newly released champions will be added after careful review!
I hope that you enjoy my work and if you find it useful, please leave a comment below or share it with friends via the 'share' buttons, and subscribe to my posts through the subscription links on the right side of my site!
*Special note* I understand that all of the champions have their strengths and weaknesses which can be harnessed to their fullest potential by extraordinarily skilled players. If you are one of these elite players, then this tier list does not apply to you! Elite players can, in essence, use any champion and win just about every game, regardless of what champion they use or what team they are playing on! Kudos to you, and please disregard any information which I provide on this article, as you surely far surpass any level of knowledge that I may have to offer! Please remember that this entire blog is based around casual, experienced, advanced gamers, but not necessarily hardcore, tournament, elite gamers.
You guys should take this opportunity to play during the fresh elo reset, as this may be your only opportunity to play with pro players like HotShotGG, Elementz, and many other players! (Hint: they start out at the same elo as the rest of us!). Good luck, everyone!
Here are the rewards and requirements for the badges:
Platinum (Top 0.2%) - 1900 and above (3v3: 1700+, pre-made 5v5: 1750+): a framed summoner icon in platinum, a platinum banner in summoner profile, a platinum forum badge and a special skin for Jarvan IV
Gold (Top 3%) - Between 1520 and 1899 (3v3: 1490-1699, pre-made 5v5: 1500-1749) : a framed summoner icon in gold, a gold banner in your summoner profile, a gold forum badge and a special skin for Jarvan IV
Silver (Top 10%) - Between 1400 and 1519 (3v3: 1410-1489, pre-made 5v5: 1410-1499) : a framed summoner icon in silver and a silver banner in your summoner profile
Bronze (Top 25%) - Between 1249 and 1399 (3v3: 1249-1409, pre-made 5v5: 1249-1409) : a bronze banner in your summoner profile.
Players have been scrambling to get their badges before the next patch (which is soon, I have heard!). I myself am almost at Gold Badge! :-) Wishing you the best, and best of luck!
In this review post, I am going to go through all of the new champions that have come out recently. I will tell you my thoughts on them and how I feel you should play them. Don't argue with me, just do it my way! (Or else my army of squirrels will get you!).
So let's get started here people!
The new champions I will be discussing are as follows:
Leona is a ridiculously Over Powered (OP) champion! Early game, she is so ridiculous to lane with because you can just stun the enemy champions while your DPS fires away. Easy first blood, anyone? I have seen Leona's walk right into tower range, dive FOUR CHAMPIONS, kill ALL OF THEM, and Flash out to safety. However... not everyone can play her. I think it's simply because most players have no clue how to tank properly. (I might make a guide on this sometime later, not too sure).
You should get runes in the following areas: Red Magic Penetration Marks, Yellow Armor Seals, Blue Magic Resistance Glyphs, Violet Health Quintessences. Masteries 9/21/0 (15% Spell Penetration ftw). Summoner spells should be Flash and anything else you want, but I do recommend teleport so you can teleport right into battle.
Review Sheet: Difficulty - 5 Stars - NOT for noobs! If you're just starting out, please play an easier tank to pick up like Nunu. Usefulness - 5 Stars - She is so useful in EVERY SINGLE TEAM COMPOSITION with her two stuns, ridiculously powerful shield, and excellent initiation skill. Recommendation - Highly recommended for pro players wishing to win tournaments. NOT recommended for noobs or for daily pug stomping! (See my tier list for pug stomping madness!)
Talk about ridiculously powerful support! Orianna takes support and drives it up to a new level! I have seen Orianna's take on AN ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM in ranked games and just shake her head in pity for those that cross her path. She fits the support role very nicely with her magic damage, her explosion, and her shield. Her ultimate is great for initiating team fights or for saving fleeing allies. She also does massive damage as well.
Tear of the Goddess is mandatory on this champion, as any good Orianna should be SPAMMING spells to boost ally movespeed, shield allies from damage, and harassing the enemy team. Don't forget that you have to manually shield your allies with your E skill and that it does take some time for your ball to actually travel to your target, so please compensate for that! Don't mistakenly believe that her shield is instant like Janna's!
You should get Red Magic Penetration Marks, Yellow Mana Regeneration Per Level Seals, Blue Cooldown Reduction Glyphs, and Violet Ability Power Per Level Quintessences. Masteries you should go for are 9/7/14 (please see the following screenshot). Summoner skills are Clarity and Flash or Teleport.
Review Sheet: Difficulty - 3 Stars - She is easy to pick up and start playing, but difficult to master due to her versatile abilities and lag time between procs. Usefulness - 5 Stars - A solid choice for any team, she will fulfill the support role very nicely with the option of becoming the team mage (AP carry) as well. If you do play her, you HAVE to get a Tear of the Goddess or else you will be useless to your team. Clarity is also a good summoner skill to get along with Flash or Teleport. Spam those skills! Recommendation - Recommended for normal games, but not ranked games unless you are REALLY good with her! Fun and she has some awesome skins! (I like her doll skin, but that's just me). Great for daily pug stomping! (See my tier list for pug stomping madness!)
Skarner is a weaker version of Nocturne. Whereas Nocturne is a great 1-on-1 assassin, Skarner is more of a team player fighter. He lacks a gap-closer move, but he does have an Area-Of-Effect (AOE) slow which is excellent for big team battles. His shield is fantastic for battles since it buffs his attack speed and move speed in tandem. He can lifesteal targets that are hit with his Fracture skill.
There are many guides out there for these types of champions, but what I want to stress is this: Skarner is a skill spam champion, so play him as one! His passive receives some good Cool Down Reduction (CDR) everytime Skarner attacks, so you will want to focus on the following items: survivability first, then Mana (NOT mana regeneration since you need a large mana pool to spam his skills during battle), and finally attack speed to make good use of his passive.
You should get runes in the following areas: Red Armor Penetration Marks, Yellow Armor Seals, Blue Magic Resistance Glyphs, Violet Health Quintessences. Masteries 9/21/0 (15% Spell Penetration ftw). Summoner spells should be Clarity and Ghost. If you have to ask why then you belong in a different place, I expect everyone reading this to know why a mana-thirsty champion needs mana. Ghost wins over Flash because with Ghost, you can constantly attack as you're chasing.
Review Sheet: Difficulty - 5 Stars - NOT for noobs! If you're just starting out, please play an easier fighter like Dr. Mundo. Usefulness - 2 Stars - Not that useful unless you are initiating team fights and diving towers. Play him tanky damage dealer (Bruiser type) for best results. You also need a large mana pool as well. And Sheen is a good choice. Build late-game Trinity Force for best results. Recommendation - Only recommended for pro players to use. NOT recommended for noobs or for daily pug stomping! (See my tier list for pug stomping madness!)
Talon Ah, Talon, the bane of my gaming career. Terrible choice for noobies, but they seem to like to use him. He has some very good burst physical damage, but dies in 2 hits from any magic burst damage from the likes of mages such as Annie or Leblanc. If you want to play him, then PLEASE GET SOME SURVIVABILITY so that you are actually useful to your team! I hate playing with noob Talon's who just walk around in circles while their teammates die in battle. Terrible!
With that said, however, I have seem some very good Talon's. I use him myself in normal games, but I never touch him in ranked games. I ban him and Vayne in ranked games just so that the noobies don't use them and then feed with them! This champion is a game wrecker IN THE RIGHT HANDS, but I definitely do not recommend him for noobies. Watch the following champion spotlight for more information. I play him in a similar way to Phreak's play style.
You should get runes in the following areas: Red Armor Penetration Marks, Yellow Armor Seals, Blue Magic Resistance Glyphs, Violet Armor Penetration Quintessences. Masteries 22/8/0 - focus on offense, but get 3 points in Strength of Spirit for health regeneration and some survivability. Summoner spells should be Clarity and Flash. Clarity so you don't need to buy any mana items which will allow you to get heavy hitting items like Black Cleaver and Frozen Mallet (Frozen Mallet works like a charm for his passive). Use flash to either initiate team fights or to chase fleeing prey. Review Sheet: Difficulty - 5 Stars - NOT for noobs! If you're just starting out, please play an easier physical DPS champion like Warwick or the ultra-powerful Xin Zhao. Usefulness - 2 Stars - He does high burst damage, but the enemy team likes to focus him a lot. And since he's squishy, he melts in seconds. Unless you are a pro DPS, you will most likely lose the game for your team. Keep in mind that this champion shines in coordinated teams, so I imagine him winning the next League of Legends tournament. Recommendation - NOT recommended for beginners. The learning curve is very high. Sure, you may have a decent score early game, but if you lose consistently, then you should reconsider the reason why you're losing (hint: it's not your teammates, it's you!). Only recommended for pro players wishing to win tournaments. NOT recommended for noobs or for daily pug stomping! (See my tier list for pug stomping madness!)
He is really great at soaking up damage and all around mischief. I find that he does great throughout the entire game, so I highly recommend this champion to everyone, even if you are just starting out. Just build survivability items and then get Sheen. Easy win.
You should get runes in the following areas: Red Armor Penetration Marks, Yellow Armor Seals, Blue Magic Resistance Glyphs, Violet Armor Penetration Quintessences. Masteries 0/21/9 - focus on defense and grab some utility for mana, regeneration, and gold. Summoner spells should be Clarity and Ghost. Clarity so you don't need to buy any mana items which will allow you to get heavy hitting items like Atma's Impaler (Which goes great with Warmog's Armor and Sunfire Cape). Use Ghost to catch enemies while using your ultimate.
Review Sheet: Difficulty - 2 Stars - Easy to pick up, easy to play, easy to win. All you need is some armor, health, and magic resistance. Usefulness - 4 Stars - Great tank, excellent damage, but still a learning curve to use super effectively. ALWAYS jump into battle and wreak havoc on the enemy team. Recommendation - Highly recommended for all game types. Great for daily pug stomping! (See my tier list for pug stomping madness!)
Well that's it for now folks, please keep the emails and comments coming! And don't forget that we do have a FaceBook page so you can just click the LIKE button (it's at the right side bar). While you're there, grab your copy of our book, Top 10 Player Skills That Win League of Legends Games by signing up for our Email Newsletter.Well, that's about it for now, Summoners! See you on the battlefield!
Guys! I'm so excited about the new "Server Switcher" feature from within the League of Legends client! It's about time RIOT got around to implementing this feature!
How to Switch Servers between NA and EU with the New Client
It's easy to switch between servers with the new League of Legends client. Simply fire up the client, then move your mouse towards the bottom-left of the splash screen where it says "Change Region". Click on the button there and select your server (either NA or EU). I love how easy it is! No more double-installations of the game and no more third party programs!
Anyhow, I hope you guys are staying safe during the patching. I have been busy with work so I haven't been able to play as much. But what I do have to say is this: LEONA IS RIDICULOUSLY OVERPOWERED! If you can't play her, then you really do (like, really really do) suck. Hard. The plus side of it is that most nubs don't know how to play tanks; they're always insta-locking squishy champions like Vayne. Pfft!
Halloween is coming up, and I am extremely excited to introduce you to a brand new website that I found that has the most awesome costumes around! Check out the Top Halloween Costumes @ www.tophalloweencostumesblog.com. This website is chock full of treats when it comes to costumes - they pick only the top Halloween costumes around that are the most popular, are easy to wear, and just overall great costume ideas!
If I had found this website any sooner, I would have saved myself a lot of agony each Halloween year - having someone pick out the top Halloween costumes and even write up a few reviews is so valuable to me that it's insanity! In the past, I always scrambled to the nearest Wal-Mart / K-Mart / Target / Other Retail Chain store at the last minute for a costume. Of course, I always got the leftover costumes that nobody else really wanted... not to mention, the most expensive ones as well. I had to wait hours in line just to checkout, right between a smelly old man and a chick with a cell phone addiction. It was all hopeless, really, and I kicked myself in the butt for having waited so long to buy a costume - a costume that was overpriced and that I didn't really want, either.
This Halloween will be a blast and I just can't wait for it to be here! I hope that some of you will order a Yeti costume so that you can replicate Nunu... haha! Anyhow! Check out the website for the Top Halloween Costumes and have a Happy Halloween!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be slowly phasing out the use of this blog into the use of my primary blog, http://www.firsttimeashe.com/. As you may or may not know, First Time Ashe is the sister site of this blog, one which I started at the same time, but rarely have ever updated. It has really just served as a 'storage site' of sorts, and contains basically every bit of code not available to this blogger site.
The reason for switching to First Time Ashe is really just for the functionality; although I love Blogger and the Google engine behind it, I find that having the ability to not only upload files to my site, but the use of PHP code is a necessity for me. Having two sites really took up a lot of my time in having to not only insert tidbits of code, but having to learn new information in order to transfer coding from one site to another is intensely time consuming!
I am not bidding this website a 'farewell', but rather, a 'welcome'. I am not abandoning it, but merely transferring its whole ideal to a new location. I will still be here, I will still be writing, only this time, it will be on http://www.firsttimeashe.com/. Please come and visit my new site, as it will be our new home...
As we leave this first frontier, our statistics are as follows: 1,000+ visitors PER DAY, Google PageRank #1 for multiple search terms, and numerous posts on the official League of Legends forum! I will be posting on this Blogger site every so often... I just can't bear to leave it to its own accord! Well, see you on our sister site, http://www.firsttimeashe.com/!
[Edit: The patch is scheduled to be completed at 2 pm PDT. Click here for details]
[Edit: The server just went down for emergency maintenance, I suggest everyone get some shut eye and check back tomorrow! But if you insist on waiting for the server to come back up, I suggest using Highlight3d's "LoL Server Status Checker" program to automatically notify you when the server status becomes available. (I have it running right now, so I can do other things while waiting for the servers to come back up). You can find his thread and download link here: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board...d.php?t=920343
If you just need something to do, then I suggest earning $50 Gift Cards just by doing what you already do online anyway (watching videos / searching online / posting on social media)!And if you are particularly crafty, you can earn about $14 per hour by completing their surveys! Click on the link below to find out what it's all about!
Earn $50 Gift Cards just by searching the internet!
(Click on image to get started!)
Again, start earning free rewards now by signing up! Get there easily by clicking on the following image:
Earn $50 Gift Cards just by searching the internet!
(Click on image to get started!)
Over the past few weeks, every time I logged on to the EU server, I would have to wait for about 45 minutes just to login. (It was never much of a problem for me, since I study and eat dinner as I wait anyway). RIOT has since proposed the arrival of a second EU server in order to prevent further overload. Smart idea, RIOT!
The EU servers will now be split into the following twin servers, based on geographic region (please see the picture above):
EU West Server
EU Nordic East Server
RIOT assigns your server location and should notify you via email. You will only be able to login to your specific server from then on. All of your information, stats, and match history will remain the same. If you cannot find your friends when you login, it means that they are on the other server. You have two options here: switch to their server, or have them switch to your server. You only get one free server switch, so use it wisely! (You can access the server switch via the online store within the League of Legends client).
I have been assigned to the EU West Server, so find me there if you wish to play with me. :-)
Please note that you can still create a new account at any of the League of Legends servers... so expect to see me with new accounts on every server ;-)
As you may or may not know, PVP was recently hacked by some hackers who sent mass messages to all users yesterday. People were instructed to visit a website on youtube... and if you were unfortunate enough to visit that site, you received a virus download. This virus is a keylogger virus which records your keystrokes (in order to steal your username and password). RIOT has nothing to do with that site or the virus. You can get rid of the virus by following the directions below:
Just had a FANTASTIC game today with Singed on the EU server! Seems like this game really does require some skill. My favorite comment from the enemy team? "You must be level 30 with a new account, you LOSER! Stop picking on us NOOBS!" I guess people can tell? The best part is that my level 4 Singed pwned their lvl 11 Akali all game, lawlzors!
Did you know that the EU server players don't call MIA's?
They call 'SS [insert champion namehere]' instead! Weird!
Follow this guide only if you want to play Tryndamere as a Big Bad Bruiser Tryndamere who swings his sword and rocks the enemy team from start to finish! There is no room for pansies here, people! Most guides ask you to play as a weak, glass-cannon Tryndamere that has no survivability and can come into the fight only after everyone on your team dies. Not with this build! With this build, YOU can be the big, bad bruiser that not only initiates, but wreaks havoc on the enemy team throughout the entire game!
You have to try it to believe it, so head on over to the MOBA Fire website and view my Big Bad Bruiser Tryndamere Build (Jungle)!
As you all may know, I have been hard at work setting up the GOSU League of Legends eStore! That's right! Your favorite League of Legends blog is now offering t-shirts, among other merchandise, shipped straight to your door! This store is filled with plenty of GOSU League of Legends merchandise and will be continually updated with new products as soon as we design them! Take a peek at our store below:
You guys know how much I love the Champion Pack! And guess what??? It's now25% off! That's right! You can now own your favorite League of Legends Digital Collector's Pack for a whopping25% off the cover price for a limited time only!
Getting this Champion Pack has helped me and my friends out so much by giving us instant access to 20 powerful champions and three Tier 3 runes! (Normally, you can't buy Tier 3 runes until you hit level 20, but if you get the champion pack, you can use them right away!) You can give these champion packs out to your friends for birthdays, for Christmas presents, and as prizes for winning our local League of Legends tournaments! And they will all love you for it ;-)
To improve performance, there will be scheduled platform maintenance this Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 1:30 AM - 5:30 AM PST. During this time, the servers will be offline. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
Note: Soft Shutdown begins at 12:00 AM. Players already in game will be able to finish but no new players will be able to launch PvP.net.
I know, it's kinda corny. But if I met a girl while playing League of Legends, I'd totally ask her to have a League of Legends wedding together (lol)! And of course, we'd rock out with a party in the middle of the lanes!
If I were to have a League of Legends wedding, this is the song that I would play for our dance!
Congratulations to my own tourney team, the Emerald City Chau Chaus! Our team participated in the Seattle, WA local League of Legends tournament at [GameClucks] and made it to round four of the tourney!
Our team rolled through the first match without a hitch for our first victory!
The second match was a bit tougher and sent our team running for the hills for our first loss!
The third match looked much better as we took the other team by storm!
The fourth match saw a much more dismal fate, as our team was destroyed by their team of four tanks!
Don't sweat it, team, the next tournament is in two months! Practice hard!
I made a quick poll about item builds on champions on the official League of Legends forum. Click on the link below to vote!
"So how many of you have started a game, and used your own custom build, only to get flamed about it? What did you say to those flamers? Did they continue to flame you throughout the game even when you did the best out of both teams, you had the highest score, and you did all of the damage on your team?
List some examples if you can. And let us know if there really is "ONLY ONE BUILD FOR A CHAMPION" like these flamers say."
I recently queued with someone from the European (EU) who claimed that the EU server was better than the North American (NA) server. He said that I could never get to his ELO on the EU server. I wondered if this was true, but upon comparing his 0/0 Jarvan to my 5/2 Tryndamere that game, I thought I'd give it a try.
"You will get eaten alive on the EU server, they are so much better than you are," he said after hearing about my plans. "I am only smurfing here on the NA server, I assure you that I can completely stomp you on the EU server."
I look forward to challenges.
So today, I started a new account on the EU server under the name "LXRemmixS2" (Click here to signup for an EU account - make sure to change the Region setting to "Europe", otherwise you will be signing up for the NA server!) . I used the "Server Switcher v4" software (designed by Silviuvlad) to avoid having to reinstall my League of Legends client all over again. After downloading the file, I simply copied them into my League of Legends folder, and opened the "N2E.exe" file, which brought me to the EU server login. I actually recommend it because of its convenience. To obtain it, just click here. You need to complete a quick survey in order to download it, but it only takes a minute and the software is well worth it! Just make sure to make a copy of your entire League of Legends directory before using this, just in case you want to remove any changes.
(But if you insist on reinstalling a fresh copy of the game for use on the EU server, click here to signup to the EU League of Legends server. Make sure to change the Region setting to "Europe", otherwise you will download the NA copy, which is not what you want! It is a small download for the first file, but the patcher will download the complete client which is ~2GB in size, so be prepared to wait for it to download and install!)
Then, I proceeded to use my League of Legends Digital Collector's Pack which provided all of the champions I needed, $10 worth of RIOT Points, a few runes, and a skin included in the bundle. I did this so that I could hit the ground running and start kicking butt immediately! After that, I looked at my tier list, Remmix's Normal 5v5 Solo Queue Champion Tier List, and picked a champion from the top two tiers which I was comfortable using. I chose Annie, since my team needed a mage.
As expected, my first game was a success! It was fairly easy to distinguish just who the new players were against who the experienced players were... like me, there were veteran gamers who created new accounts as well. Still, they did not stand a chance against my Tier 2 Annie! I accompanied my two tanks (Rammus and Malphite) into battle and spammed my spells to the best of my ability. It wasn't long before we achieved victory!
So far so good, and I have quite a ways to go before I reach level 30! I can't wait to reach level 30 and face the more experienced EU players! I will definitely have to keep you guys posted about my experiences... so stay tuned for updates!